Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Travels

Ok, some people missed it....I got a hair cut!
Our Guelph family saying goodbye.

8:30 a.m. August 3rd Shuttle to the Toronto Airport

Inchon Airport after being on the go for almost 20 hours.

A video will be coming...In Inchon airport, there is plastic on the seat, you press a button and the plastic rotates for cleanliness!


Boarding the plane in Cebu on the way to Caticlan

Boarding the boat in Caticlan for the final leg of the trip. Boracay Island is the land in the background.

The School

South side of Agape Boracay Academy

3rd floor is still under construction. Construction gets done depending on the availability of volunteers and donations for construction materials. This floor will support at least a play area, if not a couple more classrooms. This view is to the southwest.

The 3rd floor progresses when money, supplies and people are available.

View south east from Agape Boracay Academy

One kindergarten classroom. Not all of the children wanted to be in the picture. The class has 15 students. We have been told that class sizes in public schools can reach as high as 100 students.

Friends and Church

Sunday school

Our friend's baby :-)

Our friends leaving church.

View behind the church.
Our Neighbourhood
Steeper than it looks! Vehicles can't make it.
On our way to the school. Note the hydro wires.

Our side road leading to the main road.

One local home.
Another local home.

Another local home.

Yet another home.

The main road.

Main road.

The mini mart grocery store.

Near the mini mart

Bumping into friends on the street

Our Home and Its Critters :-)

Critters in homes is common. This is a beetle who won the battle with the spider.

Kylee's pet gecko!
One of our house geckos.

Samurai helmet beetle

A.K.A. Coconut beetle or Hissing beetle

For perspective, the chair leg is about 7cm wide

The battle with the Samurai was fun, I thought it was a bat at first as it flew around the living room. Then after turning off the lights it settled. I stunned it and then tried to lift it up with a canoe paddle. As I was lifting it up it made a very loud hissing sound, surprising and startling coming from a beetle! Then I got it onto our balcony where Siann and I were able to get its picture before it flew away.

Pictures yet to come, if we are fast enough, of: a spider that is literally as big as my hand. We have seen two, one in our neighbours' house downstairs, and another in the Jungle Barn (missionary hostel)); also, our neighbours have a bird that happily and regularly finds a way into their home from a space between their door and doorframe;  and we had a lizard easily 30 cm long in our living room! When we tried to get its picture, it bolted into a hole in the floor. Oh and I am already so used to it I forgot, there are dogs everywhere! One in particular thinks it is our guard dog. It sits on our doorstep, which is a full flight of stairs up, and every night it greets us when we come home.

Dinner time on Boracay. If you look closely, you can see smoke rising everywhere. It is not a forest fire, the locals are cooking on campfires. It smells like we are camping.